Abdulla Al Galib


I'm Abdulla Al GaLib

Full-Stack Web Developer (MERN)

About Me

I am an eager and driven undergraduate student, a full-stack developer with a passion for crafting innovative web solutions using the powerful MERN stack. My technical toolbox is filled with tools like HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, which I use to build dynamic, responsive, and scalable applications. One of my proudest creations is Language Oasis, a groundbreaking online language learning platform that boasts seamless authentication, a visually captivating frontend, integrated payment solutions, and intuitive admin controls. My journey as a developer is fueled by a thirst for knowledge, a sharp analytical mind, and a natural flair for leadership, allowing me to guide teams toward success. While I am a quick study, highly logical, and deeply committed, I sometimes find myself being a bit too direct, occasionally impatient, and often reluctant to turn down requests for help.


Years experience


Completed Projects


Companies Work

Professional Skills

Programming Languages



















Machine Learning









My Projects

Pet Adoption System


  • API Endpoints: Provides well-structured routes for managing campaigns, users, and donations.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Differentiates between regular users and admins.
  • CRUD Functionality: Supports create, read, update, and delete operations for campaigns and users.
  • Authentication Middleware: Verifies user tokens for secure access to protected routes.
  • Campaign Management: Handles pause/unpause and editing of donation campaigns.
  • Admin Management: Allows role assignment with the "Make Admin" functionality.
  • Database Optimization: Efficiently handles queries and indexing with MongoDB.
  • Error Handling: Implements structured error responses for invalid requests.
  • CORS Integration: Ensures smooth communication between the client and server across origins.
  • Environment Configuration: Uses .env for managing sensitive data like API keys and database credentials.

Tools: React.js, TailwindCSS, Express.js, MongoDB, React Router, Firebase

Sales Management and Mainteance System


  • Product Management: Add, update, and delete products with real-time inventory tracking.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Differentiates between regular users and admins.
  • CRUD Functionality: Supports create, read, update, and delete operations for campaigns and users.
  • Authentication Middleware: Verifies user tokens for secure access to protected routes.
  • Sales Tracking: Monitor sales transactions, generate invoices, and track revenue.
  • Customer Management: Store customer details and order history for better service.
  • Database Optimization: Efficiently handles queries and indexing with MongoDB.

Tools: React.js, TailwindCSS, Express.js, MongoDB, React Router, Firebase

Service Review System


  • CRUD Operations: Users can add, update, and delete services.
  • Real-time Data Fetching: Data is fetched and updated automatically using TanStack Query (React Query).
  • Authentication: Implemented session-based authentication to protect certain operations (e.g., adding, updating, deleting services).
  • Error Handling: Display appropriate messages when data is loading or if an error occurs during fetching.
  • Authentication: Session-based authentication with JWT tokens
  • REST API: Provides a RESTful API for the frontend to interact with.
  • Log out functionality ensures user sessions can be securely terminated.

Tools: React.js, TailwindCSS, Express.js, MongoDB, React Router, Firebase

Movie Portal


  • CRUD Operations: Users can add, update, and delete services.
  • Allows users to switch between dark and light modes.
  • Advanced search with real-time suggestions.
  • Fully optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
  • Communicates with a secure backend for data fetching and submission.
  • REST API: Provides a RESTful API for the frontend to interact with.
  • Log out functionality ensures user sessions can be securely terminated.

Tools: React.js, TailwindCSS, Express.js, MongoDB, React Router, Firebase

Gadget Heaven


  • React Components: React components are reusable, self-contained pieces of UI. You’re creating components (e.g., ProductItem, Cart, Wishlist) to build a modular interface.
  • Context API (createContext and useContext): The Context API is used to share data globally across components without prop drilling. By creating contexts like CartContext, you can make wishlist, cartItems, and totalPrice available to all components that need them, improving accessibility and code readability.
  • Toasts for Notifications: You’re using react-toastify to show toast notifications, which provide feedback to the user. This adds to the user experience by confirming actions, like successfully adding an item to the wishlist.
  • Conditional Styling: You’re conditionally setting class names based on states, such as changing button colors when an item is in the wishlist or cart. This enhances user experience by providing visual feedback based on interactions.

Tools: React.js, TailwindCSS, React Router, Firebase, DaisyUI

Eco-Adventure Experiences (Wildlife Safaris )


  • User registration and login system using Firebase Authentication. Password reset functionality for better user experience. Profile updates, including name and photo, dynamically reflected in the navigation bar.
  • Navbar updates in real-time with user information (profile picture and name) after login or profile update without requiring a page reload.
  • Smooth animations when sections become visible while scrolling, creating a modern and visually appealing design.
  • Fully responsive design with layouts optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop views. Tailwind CSS ensures a clean and consistent UI across devices.
  • Firebase used for backend services like Authentication and Profile management.
  • Log out functionality ensures user sessions can be securely terminated.

Tools: React.js, TailwindCSS,MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, React Router, Firebase, DaisyUI

Academic Qualification

  • BSc in Computer Science and Engineering
    Jashore University of Science and Technology

    Jashore-7408, Khulna

    CGPA: 3.40 / 4 (Up to 7 semesters)

  • Higher Secondary Certificate
    Bangladesh Noubahini School and College Khulna

    Sailor's Colony, Goalkhali, GPO, Khulna

  • Secondary School Certificate
    keshabpur pilot school and college

    Keshabpur, Jashore, Khulna

Contact Me


Palbari, Jashore, Khulna